Friday, February 17, 2012

Long Time No See

Wow. It's been quite a while!! I feel so neglective. If that's even a word...but that's not the point. Lately I've been up to so much, and I have had free time, but I'm such a lazy butt that I just never got on here. So here's my first post since...well since a really long time.

In these past weeks I've had this huge science project looming over my head like one of those dark frowny clouds. I really hate doing big projects, and especially when they're about stuff that you don't even know about. Sometimes my science teacher expects way too much out of us. But despite all the late hours and long dancing my group passed with a 95/100!! I was literally jumping around like an idiot when I found that out:)

But even idiots can pass science:)

But not math I guess. Having never had an F in a class before, that grade is just tearing me apart. But it is mostly my fault. Stupid linear equations.

English is still a drag. Starting my day off with that class is pretty tortuous. At first, all the PUP's thought that D.M. was a pretty cool teacher. Now, we are all just dying for the bell to ring. Lately we've been learning about the Holocaust, which is pretty depressing. I mean, how would you like to start your day off with reading about starving children getting shot to death for trying to get some food?

Not me.

Chinese might be a pretty fun class, but I don't understand half the things coming out of my teachers mouth. Like yesterday, Thursday, I asked if I could go to the bathroom while we were working on a dialogue, and he made me do the dialogue in front of the whole class with him. I may look like I don't really care, but yeah, I do. I don't really like looking like an idiot in front of everybody, even when I try to laugh it off with everyone else when I make a joke. But sometimes I'm just falling apart on the inside.

This semester, I'm taking Ceramics!! So far, we've learned how to wedge, center, make a pinch pot, and right now we are currently in the process of making mugs. Which is pretty fun:) The teacher has ADD, and she is super funny:) Ceramics is certainly one of my favorite classes.

Choir. Not even going to go there. We get there, we sing, we run as soon as the bell rings. Right now we're preparing for some big concerts and yeah...I really don't like that class.

And last but not least, FACS. Every day we have that class, at least one person tells me, "Hayn, you looked depressed in FACS today." I'm sitting there thinking, sometimes saying, "Yeah. I pretty much was." That class is pure torture. Like, worse that choir, which is a pretty hard rank to get in my life.

And now for the social scene.
For Valentine's Day, my friends A and T and me did a little thing we called the Capped Cupids. Basically we just did a bunch of nice things for everyone who eats lunch with us:) Service project of the month!! Haha, but I had a really good time doing it, even if there was some lying involved to keep it a secret...
I had an awesome experience when I got to go to the temple on a Thursday...not sure what day, but it was the 40th anniversary of the dedication of the Provo temple. Even if my cousin and I only got to do confirmations, it was still really cool when the temple president gave us all a talk in the waiting room. Which reminds me that I've kept my goal of going to the temple every week!! Woohoo!!
But on Wednesday, I got to go to the Bulldog Bash or Dixon Day or whatever they call it, where all the eighth graders came and learned about Provo High!! That was fun. I got to meet a bunch of my future classmates, what with me skipping a grade and all.

But life is good:) I hope that I'll be able to write more in my blog soon, but for now,